scrolling map test

This is still early days so you have to expect some bugs, but it is a mostly functioning map that lets you write your story in WordPress and Visualize it in a dynamic map.

Here is a demo of its current state:
If you want to try yourself you will need to install the prototype Scrollyteller for maps. Please note that as of right now there is one scrollyteller working for images, and one for maps. This will be the same child theme but right now the map functionality messes up the images.

So that is the child theme that runs the map. You also need a map. Right now this map is also in a bit of a messy state, but it can be used with some geojson data:

This map shows terror attacks in France in a map that allows step by step progression through a story. You will need to make the necessary steps in the map, and then write the story describing the steps in WordPress. The result will hopefully be a more immersive map.