Responsive image grids

Here are two different types of grid. The first on is a 3 by 2 grid, made from a generateblocks 6 by 1 and then turned into 3 by 2 byt setting each containers width to 33%. I reccommend using a 3 by 2 instead of a 3 by 1 for the simple reason that in a responsive layout you can use 2 by 3 for the in between screen size (tablet / iPad) and then use 1 by 6 for mobile. If you use a simpl 3 by 1 grid you don’t have that inbetween option. I think this gives a nice consistent look across devices.

cows in field

The following are two sets of 4 by 1 grids. Unlike with a 3 by 2 grid the natural inbetween layout here should be a 2 by 2 and then a 1 by 4 on mobile.

Elvis impersonators